Alat Asem profiled in Daily Telegraph and Washington Post


A recent article published in The Daily Telegraph and reprinted on the Washington Post's ChinaWatch website profiled Uyghur writer Alat Asem, whose work recently appeared for the first time in English translation in Chutzpah!.

In the article, Liu Jun chronicles Asem's colorful life experiences and his immersion in the hurly-burly of Xinjiang officialdom, an education in the "school of life" that nurtured Asem's unique literary voice. Asem writes in Mandarin, but with a strong Uyghur flair.

"Sidik Golden MobOff," published in Chinese in Chutzpah!'s Issue 11, "Xinjiang Time," is available in English in Issue 14, "Roots," translated by Bruce Humes.


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